Listen Up! The Re-Emergence of Audio Marketing

Listen Up! The Re-Emergence of Audio Marketing

My career in marketing began as an account executive at a Boston radio station. Though I spent much of my time selling radio “spots”, I found that writing ad copy was my real passion. It was during this time that I became enthralled with what was called “the theater of the mind” – the ability to transport a listener into a story using just words, music and sound effects. Those were the days of catchy jingles and the high art of using sound to tell stories that resonated with audiences.

Fast-forward to the present, and we find ourselves amidst a resurgence of audio content. The airwaves are once again buzzing with excitement and filled with sounds that capture our attention. Online spoken word audio listeners are increasing year over year, marking a significant shift in the media landscape.

Audio has reemerged as an essential marketing tool, and the numbers speak volumes. Recent statistics reveal that 62% of individuals aged 12 and over now tune in to online audio on a weekly basis. Moreover, the average weekly listening time for podcast consumers has surged, surpassing an impressive 16 hours.

This growth in audio content consumption has also caught the attention of marketers. The audio advertising market is on an upward trajectory, with projections indicating that ad spending in this domain will reach a staggering US$38.75 billion in 2023. Within this burgeoning market, traditional radio advertising continues to hold its ground, with a substantial market volume of US$28.61 billion anticipated this year.

But what makes audio marketing truly invaluable for brands and marketers in this digital age? The answer lies in the ease with which audio content can be consumed. Unlike other forms of media, audio allows us to multitask, seamlessly integrating content into our daily lives. It provides a personal and emotional connection, a unique opportunity to engage with audiences on a profound level.

Defining Audio Marketing
At its core, audio marketing is the practice of using sound to promote your brand, connect with your audience, and convey your message. Unlike other forms of advertising that rely on visuals or text, audio marketing leverages the power of sound to create a distinctive impact.

Audio marketing is a versatile medium that offers a range of experiences, making it a dynamic tool for marketers. It is personal, as it often engages with individuals on a one-on-one basis, allowing for a more intimate connection. It’s passive, too, in the sense that consumers can consume audio content while engaged in other activities, such as driving, working, or exercising. This passive nature of audio content allows for divided attention, making it a convenient choice for busy lives. But perhaps most importantly, audio marketing can also be highly interactive, encouraging engagement and participation from the audience.

One of the most compelling aspects of audio marketing is its ability to forge emotional connections. Sound has a unique power to evoke feelings and trigger memories, often on a subconscious level. When carefully crafted, audio content can resonate deeply with listeners, leaving a lasting impression.

Consider the impact of a familiar jingle or the soothing voice of a trusted podcast host. These auditory cues can instantly transport us to a different time or place, triggering emotions and associations that are closely linked to the brand or content.

Exploring Audio Content Types
In the realm of audio marketing, various content types have emerged, each offering a unique platform for connecting with audiences and conveying messages.

The Continued Relevance of Radio
Despite the digital age’s onslaught, radio remains a stalwart in the world of advertising – adapting to new technologies and proving its enduring relevance. A significant 41% of daily audio listening time is spent on radio, which reaches 63% of individuals over the age of 18.

The advent of satellite radio and internet radio breathed new life into the radio industry. These platforms expanded the reach of radio beyond local airwaves, offering a vast array of specialized content and music choices. Satellite radio providers like SiriusXM and internet streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music have transformed radio into a more personalized and on-demand experience.

The widespread use of smartphones has played a pivotal role in sustaining radio’s importance. While traditional terrestrial broadcasting still has its place, many radio enthusiasts now tune in through streaming apps on their mobile devices. Radio’s transition to digital streaming has ensured its continued relevance, even in the era of digital disruption.

Radio’s stronghold in the automotive sector remains unshaken. As vehicles increasingly integrate advanced infotainment systems, the concept of using a car as an entertainment platform is evolving. Interestingly, when it comes to in-car audio consumption, AM/FM radio still reigns supreme, preferred over streaming audio, YouTube, and other sources by the majority of 13 to 24-year-olds. This trend is likely to help radio maintain its high listening share through 2021 and beyond.

The cost-effectiveness of radio advertising is another key driver behind its enduring popularity. For marketers seeking affordable yet far-reaching advertising routes, radio remains an attractive choice, particularly for local and regional campaigns.

The Phenomenon of Podcasts
Podcasts have emerged as a revolutionary force in the audio marketing landscape, captivating audiences worldwide. Their journey dates back to the 1980s when the concept of digital audio files became a reality.

The podcasting industry has experienced an explosion of growth in recent years. With over 700,000 active podcasts and a staggering 29 million episodes, it’s clear that the format has struck a chord with both creators and listeners.

Podcasts are popular and therefore important for marketers for many reasons:
Convenience Factor: Podcasts offer creators a flexible and cost-effective platform for content distribution. For listeners, they provide the convenience of consuming content on their own terms, whether during commutes, workouts, or downtime.

Time Efficiency: In a world where time is a precious commodity, podcasts provide an efficient way to acquire information and entertainment. The ability to multitask (like radio) and stop/start while listening makes podcasts an ideal choice for busy individuals.

Niche Audience Targeting: Podcasts cover an extensive range of topics, allowing marketers to connect with highly targeted and engaged niche audiences. Whether it’s a specialized industry, hobby, or interest, there’s likely a podcast audience eager to listen.

The Allure of Audiobooks
Audiobooks have also gained significant traction, offering a unique form of audio content that appeals to avid readers and multitaskers alike. Audiobooks have witnessed substantial growth, with approximately 46% of the population aged 12 and above in 2021 listening to them. This trend presents a compelling avenue for marketers to explore by engaging audiences via product mentions and interruptive ads.

Voice Search Optimization
Voice-activated devices, such as smart speakers and virtual assistants like Alexa, have become an integral part of our lives. Optimizing content for voice search is a savvy move for marketers, as comScore predicts that voice searches online will increase to 50% by 2023. This trend offers a prime opportunity to stay at the forefront of consumers’ minds.

Audio Blogs and Articles
In the world of content marketing, audio blogs and articles are gaining prominence. Transforming written content into audio format enhances accessibility and caters to auditory learners. This approach allows marketers to diversify their content offerings and connect with audiences through a different sensory channel.

Audio articles offer an effective way to cater to local audiences, enhancing the accessibility and relatability of content. By providing content in the local language and accent, brands can also establish deeper connections with regional and global customers.

Customer Perception and Trust
Audio content goes beyond conveying information; it fosters emotional connections and trust.
Audio content engages a large audience on a personal level, creating a sense of connection between the brand and the listener. The immersive nature of audio enhances brand recognition, as consumers associate the brand with their audio experiences. Audio content, when linked to a website, can drive traffic, increase sales and generate leads. The rise of screen-less moments and the ownership of smart speakers necessitate an audio presence in marketing strategies.

Creating an Audio Marketing Strategy
Crafting a successful audio marketing strategy requires careful consideration of target audiences, content types, and distribution channels. Marketers must align their audio content with their brand identity and marketing goals to ensure cohesiveness.

Listen to the Campbell’s jingle here.

Jingles, those catchy and memorable tunes, continue to play a crucial role in brand recognition and recall. I can still recall jingles form my childhood! In fact, as I write this, the Campbell Soup jingle is etching a tread in my brain. (M’m! M’m! Good! M’m! M’m! Good!, That’s what Campbell’s soups are, M’m! M’m! Good!) As a trend that harkens back to advertising’s humble beginnings, jingles remain a potent tool.

Signature Theme Tunes
These iconic tunes become synonymous with a brand, ingraining themselves in the minds of consumers. Think of McDonald’s or Intel—these brands have signature theme tunes that instantly evoke recognition.

Sign-Off Tracks
In product advertisements, sign-off tracks …a few notes from a familiar jingle or branded sound bite …provide a memorable conclusion to a message, leaving a lasting impression on the audience. These tracks reinforce brand identity and product association.

Listen to the McDonald’s signature theme here.

Podcast Your Blogs
Repurposing your blog content into audio formats is an excellent way to reach a broader audience and enhance engagement. This approach allows you to leverage your existing content while catering to auditory learners. To create compelling podcast content, consider adding an introductory segment, incorporating quotes, and using sound effects strategically.

Branded Podcasts and Webinars
Podcasts and webinars have experienced a surge in popularity, with the number of podcast listeners reaching new heights. Brands can harness this trend to connect with their audience on a deeper level. Numerous brands, such as McDonald’s, Johnson & Johnson and GE have successfully launched their branded podcasts. These endeavors allow listeners to gain a better understanding of the brand’s values and culture.

Be a Guest Speaker or Sponsor a Podcast
You don’t have to create your own audio content. You can also become a guest speaker on popular podcasts or sponsor episodes to expand your brand’s reach. Be sure to leverage established platforms and seek opportunities to become a guest speaker on podcasts that already have a sizable following. By becoming a regular guest on these audio shows, you can cultivate a loyal audience.

If creating your podcast isn’t in the cards, consider sponsoring episodes of existing podcasts as part of your marketing campaign. Before doing so, research podcasts that align with your brand, understand advertising options, measure ROI, and determine which shows offer the most significant returns.

Live Audio Streaming
Several social media platforms now offer the capability to stream live audio. Harnessing these platforms can be a dynamic way to connect with your audience. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have introduced live audio streaming features. Facebook’s Live Audio tool, for instance, allows publishers to convey their stories through audio alone.

Beyond established platforms, lesser-known audio-focused social networks like Riffr, Listen, HearMeOut, and AudList offer opportunities to connect with audiences through audio content. You can engage with creators and share audio clips to expand your brand’s presence.

Advanced Voice Technology
Voice search and voice-activated devices are reshaping the digital landscape, offering new avenues for marketers to reach their consumers. Voice search, driven by devices like Apple’s Siri, Amazon Echo, Cortana, and Google Home, has gained immense popularity. The number of voice searches online is set to increase significantly, providing marketers with opportunities to stay top-of-mind for consumers.

Ensure your content is voice search-friendly by targeting relevant search phrases rather than keywords. Craft concise audio snippets that succinctly address common queries. By aligning your content with voice search trends, you can enhance your visibility among consumers.

Audiograms, whether short or long, offer versatile options for conveying your message. They are a highly effective advertising strategy on social media, offering a compelling way to engage users without consuming excessive data or slowing down their devices.

More interesting than a gif and requiring less commitment than a video, audiograms can significantly boost engagement, with audiogram tweets receiving 8 times more engagement on X (Twitter) compared to non-audiogram tweets. These short audio clips, typically 1-2 minutes long and often carried by graphics or photos, offer an enticing preview of longer content and are easily shareable on various platforms. Several services, such as Headliner, Wavve, Descript, and Overcast, facilitate the creation of audiograms, making it a versatile tool for podcast promotion and content sharing.

Crafting Audio Content
Creating effective audio marketing content requires a thoughtful approach. Marketers employ various techniques to ensure their audio content resonates with their target audience. Some of these techniques include:

  1. Scripting and Storytelling: Crafting a compelling narrative is at the heart of successful audio marketing. Whether it’s a podcast episode, an audio advertisement, or an audiobook, a well-structured and engaging story can captivate listeners and keep them engaged.
  2. Sound Design: The selection of background music, ambient sounds, and even silence plays a crucial role in shaping the emotional impact of audio content. Sound design enhances the overall listening experience.
  3. Voice Talent: The choice of narrator or voice actor can significantly influence how the content is perceived. A warm, authoritative voice may be suitable for some brands, while a youthful, energetic tone may better suit others.
  4. Audio Branding: Much like visual branding, audio branding involves creating distinct audio signatures, such as jingles or sonic logos, that instantly identify a brand. These auditory cues enhance brand recognition and recall.

Audio Marketing Examples
Here are a few examples of successful audio marketing strategies:

  1. Gymshark’s Branded Playlist on Spotify: Gymshark, a gym clothing brand, recognized the popularity of music streaming on platforms like Spotify among fitness enthusiasts. They created branded workout playlists featuring songs recommended by their fitness influencers. By aligning with their target audience’s interests, Gymshark effectively promoted its brand through the power of music.
  2. #LIPSTORIES Podcast by Sephora: Sephora, a beauty retailer, collaborated with Girlboss Radio to produce the #LIPSTORIES podcast. This audio series features guests sharing personal stories about feeling confident and powerful. It subtly promotes Sephora’s beauty products by encouraging women to look their best, making it an engaging and relatable form of audio marketing.
  3. EWRadio Audiograms on Instagram: EWRadio adapted to the digital age by using audiograms—visual representations of audio content—on Instagram to promote their radio shows. These animated videos grabbed social media users’ attention and enticed them to tune in to upcoming shows, demonstrating an innovative way to use audio marketing in the age of social media.
  4. Lego Play Waves: Lego introduced a voice interaction feature called Lego Playwaves, enabling children to engage with Lego through Google Home devices. This interactive and AI-driven experience makes Lego building more fun and engaging for kids, aligning with Lego’s target audience of young, imaginative individuals.
  5. McDonald’s Branded Sound: McDonald’s successfully created a branded sound with their iconic “I’m Lovin’ It” jingle. This memorable sonic logo has become closely associated with the brand, evoking feelings of enjoyment and satisfaction in the minds of consumers. McDonald’s effectively used audio marketing to build a strong brand identity.
  6. The Atlantic Audio Articles: The Atlantic extended its content reach by converting written articles into audio versions. By doing so, they catered to audiences who prefer listening over reading. This approach not only provided accessibility but also encouraged listeners to engage more deeply with their content.
  7. Apple’s Start-up Song and ‘The Whole Work-from-Home Thing’: Apple created a song composed of startup noises from its history, connecting with its tech-savvy audience. Additionally, they produced a short film titled ‘The Whole Work-from-Home Thing’ that resonated with the work-from-home reality many were experiencing, effectively using audio and visuals to engage with their audience.
  8. Becks’ Use of Sound to Alter Perception: Becks, a German beer brand, conducted an experiment using low-frequency sound waves to change the perception of bitterness in beer. This innovative approach engaged consumers by inviting them to try the experiment themselves. By highlighting the role of sound in sensory perception, Becks effectively promoted its beer.
  9. Zara’s ASMR-Infused TikTok Campaign: Zara harnessed the popularity of TikTok and the ASMR trend by outsourcing the creation of 3D animated clips to external creators. These clips engaged users on a ‘sound-on’ platform, showcasing Zara’s products and setting a trend in audio advertising.

The future of marketing has spoken—listen up and make it audio. It’s your turn to amplify your brand’s voice and create memorable experiences for your audience. Leverage the power of audio content to build lasting connections and write…or better yet, recite…the next chapter of your marketing success.

• Reuters
• The Spoken Word Audio Report from NPR and Edison Research
• Nielsen
• The Infinite Dial Telephone Survey
• Statista

John Rose

Creative director, author and Rose founder, John Rose writes about creativity, marketing, business, food, vodka and whatever else pops into his head. He wears many hats.