How Personal Branding Elevates Corporate Marketing

How Personal Branding Elevates Corporate Marketing

As creative marketers, we often find that an effective way to promote a company is to promote its CEO, other senior executives or its employees. 

The vision or perspective of the leaders or team behind the business are generally more compelling and have more authentic appeal than the brand itself. After all, you can’t interview a company. By nature, people are more fascinated with other people than faceless entities.

Being at the helm of a corporation, a CEO’s stature is crucial to the company’s path forward. Their credibility is paramount and, frankly, personal branding of CEOs and other top executives should be a key pillar in every company’s marketing strategy.  But personal branding shouldn’t be limited to top-tier executives. More companies should encourage and support employee brand messaging as well.

Of course, there is a right and wrong way to conduct personal branding to ensure that everyone — companies, senior executives and all employees — benefit. 

The Significance of Personal Branding for CEOs

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, the role of a CEO extends far beyond corporate decision-making and quarterly earnings reports. CEOs are increasingly recognizing the profound impact of personal branding on their companies’ success.

Reputation & Trust

A recent Weber Shandwick study revealed that 45% of executives believe that a strong CEO personal brand is essential for bolstering a company’s reputation. In an era where trust in corporations is often shaky, this statistic underscores the pivotal role CEOs play in shaping public perception.

Even more telling is the data from Nielsen, which illustrates a stark contrast in trust between company messages and individual recommendations. Only 33% of people trust messages delivered by companies, but a staggering 90% place their trust in recommendations from individuals. This glaring difference underscores the power of people vs brands in winning the trust of consumers and stakeholders alike. This trust, carefully cultivated through personal branding, can be harnessed for the benefit of the company in various ways.

Influence on Purchase Decisions

The impact of a CEO’s personal brand goes beyond mere trust-building. It extends to the realm of purchase decisions, as evidenced by data from LinkedIn. A substantial 56% of professionals admit that they make buying choices based on an executive’s online presence. This statistic highlights the undeniable influence personal brands wield in guiding consumer buying behavior.

Furthermore, a CEO’s active presence on social media platforms can be a game-changer for businesses. According to LinkedIn data, a staggering 77% of individuals are likelier to make a purchase when the CEO is actively engaged on social media. This level of influence directly translates into increased sales and business growth.

Employee Engagement & Brand Outreach

The impact of personal branding isn’t limited to external stakeholders; it extends within the organization as well. When CEOs invest in building their personal brand, they inadvertently boost employee engagement and brand outreach.

A fascinating aspect of this phenomenon is that, collectively, employees typically have a following on social media platforms that is 10 times larger than the brand itself. When CEOs harness the potential of their personal brand, they tap into this vast network of employee advocates, exponentially amplifying the company’s reach and influence.

The significance of personal branding for CEOs cannot be overstated. It is a potent tool that builds trust, influences purchase decisions and empowers teams to become brand champions. In an era where authenticity and connection are prized, CEOs who invest in their personal brand are poised to lead their companies to new heights of success.

The Power of Personal Branding for All Employees

When we think of personal branding, it’s often synonymous with CEOs and high-ranking executives. However, the impact of personal branding isn’t confined to the C-suite. Companies that encourage employee engagement surpass their competition by an impressive 202%. Engaged employees become powerful brand ambassadors, driving loyalty, and spreading positive sentiment about the company.

Here’s why companies should invest in supporting personal branding initiatives for all their employees:

Employee-Empowered Brand Messaging

The first compelling reason to invest in personal branding for all employees lies in the realm of brand messaging. Employees, regardless of their position, have a unique ability to influence and resonate with their networks.

Employees’ messages have a staggering 561% more reach than company-driven messages. This means that when employees share their thoughts, insights and experiences, their reach extends far beyond that of official company channels. Further, an individual employee’s post is re-shared an average of 24 times more than a post from the company itself. This viral effect not only amplifies the company’s message but also lends it authenticity and credibility.

Boost in Sales & Marketing

The impact of personal branding on sales and marketing efforts cannot be overstated. In a competitive business landscape, 89% of B2B marketers prioritize brand awareness as a key strategy, recognizing its significance in capturing market share.

Additionally, leads sourced by employees through their personal branding efforts on social media platforms are seven times more likely to convert. What’s more, sales personnel who effectively utilize social media in their strategies outshine 78% of their counterparts in achieving their sales targets.

Reputation Management

Reputation is paramount in the business world. Companies that overlook or interfere with the personal branding of their employees may inhibit natural information flow and risk exacerbating online information gaps that can lead to a loss of trust and credibility.

Approximately 53% of vendors admit to losing sales due to online information gaps, highlighting the direct link between information accuracy and business success. Moreover, 87% of executives place reputation management on par with their strategic priorities, emphasizing its significance in maintaining a positive image in the eyes of stakeholders.

Advantages in Recruitment

Investing in personal branding initiatives for employees also pays dividends in the recruitment arena. When employees actively build their personal brands, they contribute to the overall image and attractiveness of the company to job candidates.

Research indicates that such investments result in employees being 27% more optimistic about the company, 20% more likely to stay, and 40% more convinced of the company’s competitiveness. In a tight job market, these statistics underscore the importance of personal branding as a tool for employee retention and recruitment.

Personal branding isn’t limited to the upper echelons of management; it’s a powerful tool that every employee can harness. Personal branding for all employees is not just an option; it’s a strategic imperative that can propel companies to new heights of success.

Step-by-Step Guide: Building a Personal Brand

Building a personal brand is a strategic endeavor that can enhance your professional reputation, boost career opportunities, and establish your expertise in your field.

Step 1: Craft Your Unique Value Proposition & Identify Your Audience

Self-Reflection: Start by delving into your strengths, values, and what sets you apart from others in your field. Identify your unique selling points (USPs) and expertise.

Define Your Target Audience: Determine the demographic and psychographic characteristics of your ideal audience. Understanding your audience’s needs and preferences is key to tailoring your personal brand.

Step 2: Develop a Content Strategy & Establish Your Online Presence

Content Marketing: Create a content strategy that aligns with your personal brand. Consistently produce valuable and relevant content that showcases your knowledge and skills.

Choose the Right Social Media Channels: Identify the social media platforms that resonate most with your target audience. Establish a strong presence on these platforms to reach and engage with your audience effectively.

Step 3: Capitalize on Thought Leadership

Leverage Speaking Opportunities: Seek speaking engagements at conferences, webinars, and industry events to share your expertise and establish yourself as a thought leader.

Contribute to Industry Literature: Write articles, white papers, or books within your field. Publishing insightful content can boost your credibility and visibility.

Step 4: Engage & Strengthen Your Networks

Foster Connections: Build relationships with professionals in your industry through networking events, social media, and online communities. Engage actively in discussions and share your insights.

Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with industry influencers or thought leaders on collaborative projects. Their endorsement can elevate your personal brand’s visibility.

Step 5: Oversee Your Online Reputation

Monitor Your Digital Footprint: Regularly search for your name online to stay updated on your digital presence. Be aware of what others are saying about you.

Address Adverse Feedback Gracefully: If you come across negative comments or feedback, respond respectfully and professionally. Use it as an opportunity to demonstrate your maturity and problem-solving skills.

Maintain Consistency: Ensure that your online content, including social media posts, blogs, and comments, aligns with your evolving personal brand. Consistency is key to building trust.

Step 6: Blend Personal Branding with Corporate Strategy

Alignment with Organizational Values: If you’re part of an organization, make sure your personal brand aligns with the company’s values and mission. Your personal brand should complement and enhance the corporate brand.

Highlight Achievements: Showcase your contributions to the organization’s success. Your personal brand can amplify the achievements and reputation of your employer.

Building a personal brand is an ongoing process. Continuously refine and evolve your brand as your career progresses, and stay attuned to changes in your industry and audience preferences. By following this strategic guide, you can cultivate a compelling personal brand that distinguishes you and opens up new opportunities in your professional journey.

In an age where authenticity rules, personal branding isn’t just the reserve of CEOs. It’s the instrument every professional, irrespective of their rank, must harness. Whether it’s converting leads, acquiring top-tier talent, enhancing reputations, or just standing out, personal branding is the golden key. In today’s volatile market landscape, it’s no longer just about the brand you work for, but the brand you create for yourself.

SOURCE: Weber Shandwick; Nielsen; LinkedIn

John Rose

Creative director, author and Rose founder, John Rose writes about creativity, marketing, business, food, vodka and whatever else pops into his head. He wears many hats.